Thursday, November 19, 2009

And today.

Greetings. It's the Capt'n.

Capt'n's dern tired at the moment, as it is three in the morningtide, but nonetheless, I am here to thrown down a sighting today.

I was I in an appointment with my college advisor today, and noticed on her computer desktop the picture of a grayhoundish dog curled up in a chair, assumedly hers. That's cute, I thought, and noticed a minute later that her handbag had the same dog on it. That's nice.

But as I looked closer, and actually read what was on the bag, I stifled a hoot. Things just strike one extra funny in situations where it would be utterly humiliating to explain why your are guffawing. Here was the image (some something close to it)


I believe it.

And I'm tired. Time for only four hours of unconscious bliss.

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