Monday, February 8, 2010

Up, up, and Away: Old-School Style.

Mitch Hedburg, one of my favorite comedians, is now very dead.

But I came upon some of his quotes a couple weeks back, and was just reminded of one:

"An escalator can never break: it can only become stairs. You should never see an Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order sign, just Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience."

I am in Coffman Student Union right about now, and just a little bit ago, experienced this phenomenon. It's a strange thing, walking up a dead escalator. The steps sound all metallic and hollow, and you're not as relaxed as you are using to being when on one. I felt like a fool, since I couldn't stop smiling the whole way up, when the others around me grumbled at the inconvenience.

Lighten up, world. Escalators will never completely betray you.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Capt'n Returns from Voyage

Ahoy! Tis yon valiant Capt'n.
I have arrived back here from some some far away, distant hiatus, and am here to remind you that humanity is funny.

And I'll begin to inform you of this myself soon enough. For now, scroll down and enjoy the even more informative postings of my cohorts, as they have been supporting this operation dual-handedly for a goodly amount of time.
